
November 27, 2024

Just received the good news that a team of editors at Medium has given my personal essay a “boost,” that is, extending the piece’s exposure throughout the platform. 

If you’re interested in reading the piece, please visit the following link.

As always, thank you for reading.

November 24, 2024

I’ve written a personal essay on tattooing, the long reach of memory, and intimacy between men. It gathers some thoughts I’ve had in the last year about how men have few spaces within which they are allowed to share a physical space with other men, all without judgement. The connective thread of the essay is tattooing, an art that I’ve long admired, and which has formed an indelible impression on my creative life. 


August 26, 2024

I am excited—that word isn’t quite strong enough—to announce that I’ll have a new poem, “Dear Mother,” in a forthcoming issue of Denver Quarterly, one of my favorite literary journals. I’ll have issue and ordering information as soon as it becomes available.


June 1, 2024

Two new poems, “Letter to the Second Child I’ll Never Have” and “An Evening at the Crucifixion,” have been published in the Metamorphosis issue of Hellbender Magazine (formerly Cheat River Review). Click on the following link to read my work:


April 28, 2024

Excited to announce that two new poems, “Letter to the Second Child I’ll Never Have” and “An Evening at the Crucifixion,” have been accepted for publication at Hellbender Magazine. More details on this publication in the coming weeks.

January 21, 2024

A new poem, “Against Tenderness,” has been published in the latest issue (2.1) of Ballast:

Many thanks to the editors, Jacob Schepers and Sara Judy, for their support.

June 1, 2023

A new poem, “Dispatch from the Last Century,” has been published by the editors at Superstition Review. To read the poem, click on the following link: